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  Harbin International Conference Center owns 42,000 squaer meters, with 32 different meeting rooms and owns 618 guest rooms, and it can totally support all the meeting requires for 5,000 persons. The Global Theater, Computer Net Center, news reportage centre and multifunctional hall,from soup to nuts, all the meeting rooms are using the best sound system, can also offer enlarge voice, video frequency, simultaneous translation service, TV direct seeding, multimedia demo,wide band, meeting vote system, mise en scene, play movies and dinner party services etc. There are large quantities of administrant persons with ability and advanced service system here. There has been successfully received “53rd Chinese international Medical Appliance Exposition”, “Harbin Economy Trade Discussion Meeting”, “Chinese Harbin-Korean Week”, it is be destined for meeting place of “provincial and civic governmental meeting”, has been as the main statement meeting place for the World Winter University 2009.

  International Report Hall can totally be contained 470 people, the center stage length is 21m height is 5.3m and profundity is 10.3m. There are beautiful and comfortable sofas. Allocated with six plus one simultaneous translation system, double screen projections, video tracking systems, multi-media meeting system.Video-meeting network terrace. Professional “Meiyasha” public-address system, adopts stereo sound,these equipment are suitable for serving big and medium style meeting and culture and art performances. Here has been hold the seventh north forum conference,investment narrate meeting of Harbin Korean week, China-Hei Longliang International biologic technique meeting, International Conference On Improving Investment Climate And Promoting Northeast Development, countrywide letter visit work conference, Overseas Chinese flourish longjiang economic forum meeting, Hei Longjiang associate with Fujian C of C (Chamber of Commerce) meeting ,affix to contract special performance of the 16th Harbin discussion meeting, was Harbin economy trade main discussion room and the “provincial and civic governmental meeting” congress.

  International conference hall with capacity of 166 people,equipped with four plus one simultaneous translation system,112 people voting equipments.Supporting central control tracking system,tracking video,multi-media simultaneous information.Has 6Plasma-TV,40 liquid crystal displayscreen,it is the main statement meeting place for the World Winter University 2009,China-Korea Harbin economic cooperate forum,China –Russia Harbin city planning & architectural style science forum,International business arbitration rap session and presidium and secretary-general congresses of the Hei Longjiang“double governmental meeting”.


  The stage in global theater,which is 20m wide,11m high and 24m profundity

  Totally owned 1,606 luxurious sofas,located in the two floors of Global Theater

  20m×24m international standard stage

  Equipped with high standard orchestra pit and movable platform,46lift suspender

  Famous brand of rounding dimensional sound systems,such as RH and LCR and ,Audia audio disposal system

  Advanced net AV meeting flat roof,meeting discuss system and meeting vote system

  150 inch high definition and high brightness screen,frequency modulation microphone equipment

  Super screens and double tracks movies system,with advanced multi-audio matrix disposal and numeric dubi,DTS decode technology

  There have 3 band rest rooms,6 dry run halls,5 dressing rooms,5multitude face-painting rooms,3 personal face-painting rooms and VIP rooms

  It is an exclusive“Non-impediment theatre”in Heilongjiang province


Address:No.301HongqiSt.,Harbin,China Tel:86-451-81868888 Fax:86-451-88026666 Technical :LongCai Technology